C Methodology
C is kown as a free-form language, and for good reason. Theoretically
you can take any C program and scrunch it all up into a single line
and it will work the same.
Obviously, scrunching a program into a single line does not make it
very readable. The following document points towards defacto standards
in formatting your source code to make it readable. Keep in mind that
these are only conventions and not the only ones at that. In my
experience, however, most programmers with real experience in large
projects and having to deal with other people's code use something
similar to the descriptions below.
(1) Procedure Declarations. Generally one wants to format a procedure
declaration with two goals in mind: (a) the procedure's name
should be visible and (b) all code for the procedure should be
indented. Four forms are common:
| note, this is the left margin
Fubar(a, b, c)
int a;
int b;
int c;
.... indented code goes here ....
Fubar(a, b, c)
int a;
int b;
int c;
.... indented code goes here ....
Fubar(int a, int b, int c)
.... indented code goes here ....
int a,
int b,
int c
.... indented code goes here ....
The first two forms use old style K&R declarations which many
people find less obtuse then the new style ANSI declarations
that are shown in the last two forms. I, myself, use the
first form. Of the last two forms the second to last is generally
used when a procedure takes few arguments while the last is
generally used when a procedure takes many arguments.
(2) Variable naming
Generally global variables start with a capital letter with
each sub-phrase beginning with a capital. Originally people
used underscores (_) a lot but these days most people use
the capitalization scheme to separate sub-phrases. Static
variables are also generally capitalized especially when
declared within subroutines. Auto's (stack variables)
are never capitalized.
Procedure names are normally capitalized when they represent
high level routines, sometimes left lower case when they
represent very low level routines (many people will always
capitalize procedures, period, which is fine too). Procedure
arguments always begin with a lower case letter. Example:
char TmpBuf[256];
char *fileName;
char *ptr = fileName;
short i;
short j;
static char XBuf[256];
(3) BLOCK statements
A block statement is a serious of statements enclosed in an
open-brace close-brace { } sequence. Whenever you introduce
a new block level you indent by four. There is considerable
discussion as to what the best format for the braces themselves
should be but the following are used in the greatest extent.
* The contents of a block or looping/condition body is always
* The open brace occurs after the looping/conditional on the
same line while the close brace occurs by itself flush with
the beginning of the looping/conditional. Sometimes the open
brace is placed on the line after the looping/conditional
flush with the beginning of the looping/conditional.
char *fileName;
char *ptr = fileName;
short i;
short j;
static char XBuf[256];
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
if (*ptr == 'a')
puts("found an 'a'!");
if (*ptr == 'b') {
puts("found a 'b'!");
puts("I think...");
char *fileName;
char *ptr = fileName;
short i;
short j;
static char XBuf[256];
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if (*ptr == 'a')
puts("found an 'a'!");
if (*ptr == 'b')
puts("found a 'b'!");
puts("I think...");
Personally, I prefer the first form shown above. Note that
you do not need to enclose the body of loops/conditionals
with braces if they contain only a single statement. Many
people will use the braces anyway, as in this:
if (*ptr == 'a') {
puts("found an 'a'!");
To make things more readable, but experience has shown that they
are unecessary and sometimes create two much 'white space' in the
(4) white-space in expressions
Generally one puts white space into expressions to make them
more readable. Here is an example:
i=j*(k+4)/-23-(i+j) /* icky */
i = j * (k + 4) / -23 - (i + j); /* readable */
The rule is simple -- a single space around binary operators
and to the left of a unary operator, unary operators but up
against the thing they are unary-ating (joke). However, one
generally does not put white space after an open parenthesis
or before a close parenthesis.
Another exception is related to arrays and structural indirection:
i=mis->mi_Value+fubar[j]; /* icky */
i = mis->mi_Value + fubar[j]; /* readable */
Procedure calls involving multiple arguments are arranged in one
of two ways. Note that in the first method no white space
occurs before the comma and one space (at least) occurs after
the comma:
printf("This is a test: %d %d %dn", 23, i + j, 25);
printf("This is a test: %d %d %dn",
i + j,
The second method shown above is used when you have to give a
zillion arguments to a procedure call.
(5) indent tabing
People generally indent by 4 or 8 characters. Some people
indent by 3 but this is generally left over from bad habits
due to using editors which default to tabs of 3.
Many older programs and programmers use tabs of 8 but this
generally worked well only because said programs generally
were not very modular. Most modern programming techniques
make even sections within a subroutine relatively modular
and thus use a greater depth of sub-blocks, thus requiring
greater indentation.
Needless to say, you rapidly run out of columns in an editor when
you use indents of 8.
(6) Modularity
I have mentioned modularity. This is a huge topic but I can give
a few hints:
* Do NOT declare and use global variables for temporaries. That
is, if you have a looping variable declare a local variable
to deal with it, like this:
short i; /* local, NOT global */
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
The result is a more self contained subroutined. Also, if a
section of a subroutine needs a temporary variable that no
other part of the subroutine uses, declare it in a sub-block
of the subroutine intead of at the top of the subroutine, like
... lots of stuff ...
short i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
... lots of stuff ...
There is no reason to declare 'i' at the top of the subroutine if
only a small part of the subroutine actually uses it. Following
this rule can make even huge subroutines relatively readable.
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